0. Show switch status
1. Show version
2. Show current configuration
Defined configuration:
cfg: VMWARE51b
ESX_Hosts_EMC; ESX_Hosts_HDS; ESX_Hosts_01; ESX_Hosts_02;
ESX_Hosts_03; ESX_Hosts_04; ESX_Hosts_05; ESX_Hosts_01_EMC;
ESX_Hosts_02_EMC; ESX_Hosts_03_EMC; ESX_Hosts_04_EMC;
ESX_Hosts_05_EMC; ESX_Hosts_UCS
zone: ESX_Hosts_01
ESX_01; HDS_NIN_Port_1D; Hitachi_0B; Hitachi_1B
zone: ESX_Hosts_01_EMC
ESX_01; EMC_A1; EMC_B1
zone: ESX_Hosts_EMC
zone: ESX_Hosts_UCS
3. Show configured zone
4. Create alias
>alicreate “ESX_Hosts_04”, “xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx″
To verify run command, alishow “ESX_Hosts_04” and so on.
5. Create Zone
>zonecreate “zone1”, “HostPort1; StoragePort1”
To verify run command, zoneshow “zone1” and so on.
6. Create configuration
> cfgcreate "VMWARE51b", "zone1;zone2"
7.Save configuration
8.Enable configuration
> cfgenable "VMWARE51b"