Monday, September 3, 2018

Simple SAN Switch Brocade How to

0. Show switch status
1. Show version

2. Show current configuration

Defined configuration:
 cfg: VMWARE51b
ESX_Hosts_EMC; ESX_Hosts_HDS; ESX_Hosts_01; ESX_Hosts_02;
ESX_Hosts_03; ESX_Hosts_04; ESX_Hosts_05; ESX_Hosts_01_EMC;
ESX_Hosts_02_EMC; ESX_Hosts_03_EMC; ESX_Hosts_04_EMC;
ESX_Hosts_05_EMC; ESX_Hosts_UCS
 zone: ESX_Hosts_01
ESX_01; HDS_NIN_Port_1D; Hitachi_0B; Hitachi_1B
 zone: ESX_Hosts_01_EMC
ESX_01; EMC_A1; EMC_B1
 zone: ESX_Hosts_EMC

zone: ESX_Hosts_UCS

3. Show configured zone

4. Create alias
>alicreate “ESX_Hosts_04”, “xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx″

To verify run command, alishow “ESX_Hosts_04” and so on.

5. Create Zone
>zonecreate “zone1”, “HostPort1; StoragePort1”

To verify run command, zoneshow “zone1” and so on.

6. Create configuration

> cfgcreate "VMWARE51b", "zone1;zone2"

7.Save configuration

8.Enable configuration
> cfgenable "VMWARE51b"

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Convert .ISO to File/USB Drive on Mac using dd

Using dd

     dd -- convert and copy a file

     dd [operands ...]

     The dd utility copies the standard input to the standard output.  Input
     data is read and written in 512-byte blocks.  If input reads are short,
     input from multiple reads are aggregated to form the output block.  When
     finished, dd displays the number of complete and partial input and output

     blocks and truncated input records to the standard error output.

Plug-in your USB stick and find what "/dev/diskN" it is mapped to by opening Terminal (where "N" stands for "disk0", "disk1", "disk2" etc). To do so, please execute:

# diskutil list

Unmount USB Stick
Unmount the USB stick

# diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN
Where /dev/diskN is the one you have found in previous step as per our example it would be "/dev/disk2".

Write ISO to USB or
Write the content of the ISO file:

# sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.iso of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m
/dev/rdiskN is the same disk you have found previously, with an r in front. r is for raw disk, as writing to /dev/rdisk2 is much faster than writing to /dev/disk2. You will be prompted for the administrator's password.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Change Windows Server Product Key on command line

1.  Clear the current key

Open Powershell with admin rights then enter:

slmgr -upk (this removes the current Product Key)

2.  Add the new(Correct Key)

Add The New (or Correct Key)
Now that the key is cleared you can either stay in Powershell and enter the new key with the following:

slmgr -ipk XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (with the X's of course being the Key )


Go the the activation GUI and you will now be able to enter a Key

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Planting our own food and be relaxed

Vegetable fruits are now ready to pick from the backyard. Home grown foods are the best and healthiest because we are sure that there are no insecticide and pesticide.

As I arrive home from the office, first thing in my todos are to check the plants/vegetables, watering, weeding, putting some nutrients.  By just watching this vegetable grow day by day help me relax and be calm. The experience it provides make us in connection with nature, as if magic always happen.

In gardening its not always green, sometime they become white or pale which indicate there is a problem with the plant. Presence of insect like white flies/aphids is the most and common problem with my vegetable, they suck the nutrient of the plant. This challenges can be prevented using nature and some insect like  the lady bug that can  prevent the spread of pest. Another challenge is the weather, during the summer the plants turns yellow and if you miss to water the plants they dries easily. The hotness of the temperature can also stress the plants and wither them. We need to improvise by  putting a shade or cover to lessen the impact of the sun.

With all the challenges seeing them bearing fruits is most enjoying part and it culminates when you prepare them for food to be serve in the table. Thus, it helps us economically and  have safe, healthy food to consume. And some time sharing the produce with neighbour gives us joy.

Happy Gardening


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Strong and courageus boy

On my way home travelling from cagayan valley to manila i sit beside this littel boy, he is just 9 years old travelling alone with his backpack and two boxes of chicken.

I saw his relative sending him off from the bus terminal at jct luna abulug cagayan and then leave him alone.  So i offered him to sit next to me.  I bought rice cake(bibingka local term) from ballesteros and give him some slice but he politely decline he said he wanted to buy tupig at gattaran unfotunately all tupigs are sold out. 

At the  bus stop at Tumawini Isabela i wake him to have a dinner and i offered him to buy his food but he wanted to do it alone, so he proceeded at the counter to  buy his own food then we share the table.  During our meal we are conversing and ask him if he has traveled alone before and he said Yes he did traveld alone. After our meal,  I asked him if he wanted to make pee then he gladly said yes so i told him not to bother with comfort room payment.

Along  the way i noticed hes feeling cold and i pull out my  blanket and shares with him, i can see in his face the comfort of having to feel little warm till he falls asleep.  Near the mountanous area of nueva vizcaya he woke up and whispered me he wanted to make pee. Then I asked the conductor and driver if they can stop for a while and they gladly stop on some safe area. 

As we are approaching metro manila at north luzon express way he woke up and  I can see in his face that hes already excited to reach his destination.  At our destination in sampaloc manila i asked him if his relatives is already at the terminal or does he have the phone number but he just said i dont have,  he told me he will just wait here at the bus terminal. I assisted him to retrieve his baggage carry some and instruct him to just stay at the waiting area till his relative will arrive. I can see in his face that hes just cool and he can manage on his own so i get back at the bus and headed to fairview. 

What a strong courageous boy, hope he is safe.