Saturday, December 21, 2019

My personal cure to lean purse

1. Instead of eating out from resto, i can buy my favorite food from the market.
2. Instead of Starbucks and  other coffee shop, source out the best coffee bean from the local farm and farmer and brew my own.
3. Instead of grab rides, i choose other mode of transportation.
4. Online sale, mall sale and shopping is not saving, its spending.
5. Unnecessary bills and plans.
6. Clothing, buy what is necessary and important avoid buying one time use like fancy party dress for party.
7. Teach your kids to save! Learning to save is harder than spending. 
8. Investing returns multifold. (Safe investing)

December is the best time to save and invest.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

MySQL Cluster Management

Managing Mysql Cluster

Monitor the Cluster

Cluster Status

ndb_mgm> show

Data Node status
ndb_mgm> all status

Cluster Memory Usage
ndb_mgm> all report memory

How to Restart a MySQL Cluster without downtime

Start Management Cluster to reload configuration

ndb_mgmd --reload -f /var/lib/mysql-cluster/config.ini

Restart the management cluster
shell> kill $(pidof ndb_mgmd)

Starting the management cluster
shell> ndb_mgmd --config-file=var/lib/mysql-cluster/config.ini

#To restart ndb_mgmd overwritting cache files, the following options can be used on commandline (./ndb_mgmd)

#or removing cache files with:
shell>rm -rf /var/lib/mysql-cluster/

#Data/Storage Node
The data or storage node, which is implements as ndbd or ndbmtf, handles data storage ans retrieval for specific subset of the cluster's data.

#Purpose of datanodes
to process and retrienve information, being the storage for the whole cluster

#Managing Data Node
Stop data node
ndb_mgm> STOP
ndb_mgm> 3  STOP

#Starting Data Node
ndb_mgm> 3  START

Managing SQL Nodes
#Stop SQL Node
shell>service mysql stop

#Start SQL Node
shell>service mysql start

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Essay on my experience in Hokkaido Japan

My experiences in northern Japan, Hokkaido the breadbasket of Japan.

The qualities of Japanese people that I really admire are the following: They are very creative and innovative, they made use of technology and mechanization to make farmers and farming efficient. I really admire their discipline and their commitment to work.  I also observe how they care for the environment and the observance of cleanliness. All the people are very polite and very formal, punctuality must always observe.

In terms of ICT, University research are really focused on the improvement and solving the current problems of the Industry, In the case of Tokachi which is the breadbasket of Japan research and studies are targeted for the farmers and farms.

The sense of cooperation among farmers is very admirable which I would like to emulate and hopefully, i will be able to set up one in our local place in Northern Luzon, Philippines.

The foods are very rich in taste and they are always fresh. Most of the people really value their health because you can see on the food that they consume, they always have fresh vegetable, fresh ingredients, and healthy diets.

I would like to thank JICA, JICA staff and the Japan Government for giving me this opportunity to experience life in Japan, learn their best practice and see their technology first hand.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Excel tips

Some excel tricks on date computation.

Start Date 2004/01/04
End Date 2019/02/28

Compute: Day(s)    = datedif(startdate, enddate, "D")
        Month(s)  = datedif(startdate, enddate, "M")
        Year(s)   = datedif(startdate, enddate, "Y")

Excel Input:
Date now = ctrl + ;
Time now = ctrl + :