Monday, September 26, 2016

Joomla Error on loading article

Error Prompt:

JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 606


This error sometimes happens when the author of an article or any other content has been deleted from the Users list . When trying to load that content, joomla tried to get the username based on the ID, which in this case cannot be found in the #__users table because it has been deleted.

To solve this error, If you have an article being displayed on the homepage, try changing the author to another user.

If that doesn't work, you can try the followings steps:

Create a new user via the Joomla User Manager (admin backend).
Open your database manager such as PhpMyAdmin
Go to the #XXXXX_users table and search for the ID of the user you just created
Change the ID for this user to 606
Go to the #XXXXX_user_usergroup_map table
Search for the user_id that matches the ID of the user you created before
Change this ID and set to 606

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